Preventable injuries and deaths from firearms impact Coloradans every day. Firearms are the third leading cause of death from injury among adults and the leading cause of death for young people in our state.
The Colorado Safe Futures Fund is utilizing a public health approach to provide communities with actionable data, resources and capacity to create meaningful change.
The Fund’s primary objective is to invest in and advocate for efforts that reduce and prevent firearm-related injury and death in Colorado. We plan to do this by:
The Colorado Safe Futures Fund continues to build partnerships with foundations and other funders who are ready to join this critical work and invest in a safer future for all Coloradans.
To date, the Fund has secured nearly $1 million in commitments from funders across Colorado, listed above. The Fund is housed and administered by Rose Community Foundation.
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Between 2016 and 2020, there were over 4,000 firearm deaths in Colorado. Firearms are the third most common cause of death due to injury among adults and the most common cause of death for young people in our state. There are countless alarming statistics about firearm harm, underscoring the urgent need for meaningful change.
In 2023, Rose Community Foundation and the Colorado Health Foundation launched a collaborative, statewide philanthropic partnership aimed at preventing firearm injury and death using a public health approach. Since then, the Colorado Safe Futures Fund has welcomed additional funding partners who are helping to advance this critical work.
The Fund is not yet accepting grant applications, as we are currently focused on fundraising and defining our collective priorities and processes. To stay informed about future grant opportunities, please subscribe below. When we do announce funding, we anticipate supporting community-based efforts with the following parameters:
Eligible for funding:
Not eligible for funding:
The Colorado Safe Futures Fund is proud to be the initial seed funder for Trailhead Institute's Firearm-Related Harm and Violence Prevention (FHVP) Program Office, which shares our vision of addressing this issue with a public health approach. In our planning phase, the Colorado Safe Futures Fund has supported Trailhead’s FHVP Program Office to serve as a strategic partner, host a statewide roundtable, and convene community-based conversations to understand the needs and opportunities for evidence-based work to reduce firearm injury and death.
The Colorado Safe Futures Fund and the FHVP Program Office are creating a framework to help communities develop their own public health approach to the issue of firearm injury and death, based on each community’s local needs, risk factors and potential intervention strategies.
The Fund’s grantmaking priorities will be informed by the FHVP Program Office’s community conversations and by priorities identified from Colorado’s Public Health Roundtable on Firearm-Related Harm and Violence Prevention.
The Colorado Safe Futures Fund aims to strengthen and complement the robust network of organizations in Colorado already working to prevent and respond to firearm injury and death. These organizations include victim assistance and mental health providers, community-based nonprofits, county public health initiatives, and other government-led programs. Colorado is fortunate to have several organizations leading key aspects of this work:
Colorado Healing Fund: CHF assists local communities with the financial, emotional, and physical needs of victims of mass tragedies in Colorado and serves as the single collection point for public donations in the aftermath of such events. In collaboration with community partners, CHF coordinates the disbursement of funds to victims.
Colorado Office of Gun Violence Prevention: Colorado is one of only a handful of states that have a formal statewide office focused on gun-violence prevention. The Colorado OGVP runs an annual grantmaking program, and CSFF intends to complement that work and partner with the state office on the public health approach.
University of Colorado Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence (CSPV). The CSPV studies and identifies what works to prevent violence, as well as champions the use of evidence-based programs, practices and policies with the highest scientific standards.
University of Colorado Firearm Injury Prevention Initiative (FIPI): The FIPI strives to prevent firearm-related injuries and deaths in homes and communities across Colorado and the U.S. through collaboration, research, and education.
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Copyright © 2024 Colorado Safe Futures Fund - All Rights Reserved.
The Colorado Safe Futures Fund is housed and administered by Rose Community Foundation.